“Whispering Wind”
Artist: Sally Watson
Exhibition opens: Saturday 11 April at
Exhibition runs: 11 April – 9 June 2013
Jayes Gallery is pleased to be able to provide this
opportunity to such a wonderful and inspiring artist. This will be Sally’s second solo exhibition
at the gallery. Meditation, Zen and solitude influence Sally’s work. Her images
are abstracted, defining a move away from representational art.
Sally also has
fifteen years experience working as a graphic designer and illustrator for
Nature and Health Magazine, the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, The Department of
Conservation and Land Management, Perth, The Western Australian Museum, City of
Fremantle WA and the Bureau of Flora and Fauna.
This exhibition will delight the viewer and collector alike.
Whispering Wind
is symbolic for me of all the things which clear my mind and bring me to the
present moment without thinking about the past or future. Drawing puts me in a
meditative state and I would like my drawings to express the peace and
happiness I experience then. These works are inspired by play and returning to
the beautiful garden of my childhood, my sanctuary and source of renewal.
I am not seeking a
literal representation, rather a free interpretation of noticeable colours,
shapes and thoughts which occur. Someone looking at one of my drawings may
become absorbed with the image and for a short space of time their mind slows,
they contemplate the work, a few moments pass and a gap in the busy day occurs.
Like a deep breath of fresh air. The viewer decides what is going on in the
work in front of them. Ultimately I would rather give the viewer the experience
of a quiet mind than to fill it with images. I try to create works which are an
antidote to the stresses of life.
Visual strategies
I use are spontaneous marks and a limited palette working with pastels,
watercolours and charcoal. For many works I have mounted quality paper such as
Fabriano Accademia onto stretched canvas because I like being able to see the
surface and textures without glass reflections obscuring the view.
All are welcome to the opening. See you on the day!