Wednesday, July 18, 2012

" a three ring circus" - full Press Release

“….like a three ring circus”
Artist: Jaq Davies
Sculptor: Glenn Hoyle
Exhibition opens: Friday 3 August at 6.00 pm
Exhibition runs: 3 August – 2 September 2012

Exhibiting at Jayes Gallery for the first time, two well known and recognised artists who have moved to the country from the city to gain the freedom and inspiration that the ‘bush’ provides. Davies’s mark making expands on the everyday objects found in country fields and down country lanes. There is a ‘zen’ like quality about these pastel and soft paintings that evoke the ethereal and remind one of dreams and fleeting impressions. Hoyle brings a range of metals, found objects and bright steel together in intriguing sculptures that range from large to small and have a whimsical quality to them. They remind one of Lewis Carroll’s “Looking through the Looking Glass” with their unique compositions.

This is an exhibition that will delight the viewer and collector alike.

" This series of works looks at Landscape and my place within it. It is part of a continuing body of work on this theme since we moved to Orange in 2004.

My use of mixed media objects (in these works primarily white feathers) is a way of very subtly, quietly creating texture and an added dimension within the paintings. The feathers are in contrast to the strength of line that is a constant in my work. It is the lines which determine the outcome of the paintings."

Image: “Thorn in my Side” 1000 H x 790 W mm oil on canvas


"I’m a sculptor because I am a metalworker with a ‘thing’ for my medium. I was a young fitter and turner before I went to Art school. I found myself drawn to sculpture because I could speak its language. I knew its strengths and weaknesses, its history, uses and its wonderful potential.

My sculpture reflects my need for play, for exploration and for labour."

Image: “Journey” Steel & Found Objects

Jayes Gallery, Sculpture Gardens & Café
31-33 Gidley Street Molong NSW 2866
PHONE: 02 6366 9093
DIRECTOR: Libby Oldham
HIGH RES IMAGES: Available from Gallery