Wednesday, May 19, 2010

“Occuló” & "Insomnia" 18 June - 11 July

'Lara Scolari's works in this coming exhibition glow from the walls. They are imbued with hidden meanings and suggested nuances all contained within layer upon layer of soft and subtle shapes, light forms overshadowed with darkness. These works have to be seen, sat with, pondered upon before they give up their meaning. The works contain such depth that they continue to grow and burn themselves into your psyche for a long time. These are not easy works to access but require time and intelligent consideration before the viewer can say comfortably that they understand them.

Scolari herself says of the works "I am intrigued by the complexity, hidden undercurrents and agendas involved in relationships. I relate these layered emotions to the stress of the natural landscape and the surfaces beneath our feet."

"I have expanded and developed my theme/concept and this informs an intimate visual language of organic colour, shape and line. These elements generate a personal response of emotions that are expressed within my work. As if diving beneath the surface (dreaming of what cannot be seen)."

"My work is produced in an Abstract Impressionist style, with focus on the use of line, organic shape, layering and colour. I employ a limited palette of warm earthy tones, punctuated with grey and white."

"I am investigating how visual imagery can translate the complexity of emotions, with a range of visual effects, including translucency and softness - gentle luminosity, quiet understatement (giving clues), subtleness, layering, movement and honesty."

"I attack each work in a vigorous energetic manner. I aim for depth of layers in my work, and build up each layer using a variety of media and experimental methods. I endeavour to give each line or mark vibrancy, energy, motion, mystery and emotion that the viewer can experience. To see or not to see; the artist's dilemma"

"Nurture" by Lara Scolari

In "Insomnia", artist Jocelyn Moles has brought together a number of bright and well crafted images formed through the collage of a variety of mediums. 

Jocelyn says of her work "I work as a mixed media artist, incorporating Photography, pen, paint, print techniques and collage into my work. Over the last few years I have developed an interest in making hand-made books. I love the opportunities it presents to explore themes in one piece of work."

"I like the challenge of creating a work of art through collage. I am especially drawn to recycling words and pictures from other media. The medium itself often manipulates words and pictures, so in turn I like to recycle their words to explore issues in my own artwork. Conscious of copyright, my own photography is incorporated more and more into my works. I love taking photos and digitally changing them to represent something different from the original."

"A lot of research and preparation goes into starting a body of work. I use the internet, library, art galleries and museums to research. In the process, my own knowledge and thought processes are expanded. I document this process in an art journal so that I can refer back as I do to the art pieces."